Wednesday, September 2, 2009

RM92.00 for a lesson. NO MORE NEXT TIME for 6A5!!!

I have been so foolish for being so passionate about celebrating friends birthday. Or shall I say I am busy body and stupid for volunteer myself to buy the present. And ya…these are the discouragement I met. No doubt our class is good in studying, always pia here and there. Thank God for place me in this class to have the best study environment I ever had for me. But to be honest I doesn’t like it. I am pressurize in this class and I’m now in fully disappointment. I rather choose combination of subject that I don’t like than in this class…cause I love a place that I am comfortable with and 6A5 aren’t!!!. Shall I be optimistic that God want me to see the reality of the world and learn to face all kind of people in my life with LOVE??

Ya…RM92.00 for a lesson. Worth it?? I couldn’t understand why our classmates were so uncooperative. If you all can’t pay or no hearts to share a present, we did ask around, why don’t tell earlier? Why promise to share? Give in your mouth to eat the cake but doesn’t want to pay. What is this??!! I appreciate Peng Han, at least he voice out that he don’t want to share before hand. Nevermind, I also lazy and discourage to collect the money already. On that celebration that day itself, call someone to take the card to get signature also so hard, sing birthday song also no mood like that…even the cake…everybody waiting for the cake and not serving. Do you know how sad is it when I saw the birthday’s girl was the one serving the friends. What AGAIN??? Why you guys are so supportive in studying but no in other area? Yes, maybe Miss Lim is true. Her birthday will be the last celebration. Not because we need to prepare for our exam is not for me to give any ideas or plan celebration for 6A5. CH, you want plan, you plan la…and I wish you all the best. Jwei, no more outing or class trip from me. If yes just small gathering among ourself, small group. Sorry for don’t want to help up in 毕业旅行nxt year. No mood & no meaning planning for 6A5.

I hate my form6 life, too many things happen, too many ups and down.一波退去一波又起. I know God wants me to learn something throughout this life, but it’s so hard.

说了那么多怨言I think I shall say few word of appreciation to balance up.

1. Thank God for the circumstances You gave to make me more mature, ups and down in my life to give me a different life from other.

2. Thank 6A5 for a good study environment, especially teachers that dedicated and caring. Of course few friends that were quite supportive in my life – Shi Yong, Hui Sin, Hui Shien

3. I shall be grateful I am 1 out of 4 classmates that classmate sang birthday song for me.

4. Thank Carol and Sallyn we choose the present together, HShien, Piawai Unggul and Boon Tiong find candle so hard for me, Poh Ching & Siao Yin serve the cake for friends. HSin & Piawai Unggul try so hard to collect money for me.

(erm…if really cant no need d…I ll take this as a lesson…Thanks a lot)

5. Thank Yoke Jin & HSin to find “lover” for me (大姐:我的情人上报咧!822日星洲副刊…haha)

6. Thank YS & CF & the rumours make me more mature & let me know that to be strong to face the rumour & teach me not to believe in rumours cause it hurts.虽然输了两个好朋友,却赢得更多知心的朋友,更多的人生启示,更多的坚强。




Today, good day. Three of my lovely friend birthday.

Happy Blessed Birthday

Shi Yong, Angel AnQi and 静姿May God Bless You in everything.

Joy, Peace, Wisdom and Strength be with you. Amen.

Dear Upper 6 friends,

All the Best in the trial exam!!!


77days more…

1 comment:

  1. sometimes,v not able2c d blessing of god while v r in d situation.check out this will learn to give thanks2god n b patient in waiting4his grace n blessing.evrythg's nt lik wat v thk o hw our eyes c it.gambate..
